The new Smoke Detector LES900

The new RM-LES900 is now available at TeleAlarm The technology is constantly evolving – the new RM-LES900 was developed together with our parent company Leesys and specially adapted to the TeleAlarm products. Like its predecessor, the new smoke detector not only sounds with a loud alarm in the event of fire and smoke development, but…

The New Year at TeleAlarm – An Outlook

A new year has begun and in keeping with the dual-faced god Janus, to whom January owes its name, we are looking forward when it comes to changes at TeleAlarm, but also back, to some innovations that we initiated in 2018. For 2019 we have again planned participation in a number of trade fairs and…

StaffSafe Ltd Go Digital with TeleAlarm LMS Software Platform

In September 2018 StaffSafe Ltd, a TeleAlarm partner, started preparations for the transition from analogue to digital networks in the UK with the installation of the TeleAlarm LMS8 software platform. The LMS8 software receives alarms using IP protocols that enable IP telecare devices to communicate over fixed-line broadband and mobile networks. StaffSafe® Ltd install TeleAlarm…


A great start into the new year

Dear customers, TeleAlarm Europe GmbH and TeleAlarm SA wish you a great start into the new year. We look forward to continuing our relationship with you.   You can also look forward to innovations, further developments and events from TeleAlarm As usual, you can expect great campaigns, events and training courses at our company, the…


Availability between holidays

Christmas is only a few days away – how wonderful! Then, after all the hustle and bustle of the pre-Christmas season, there is space and peace for the family, for giving and receiving presents, for feasting, relaxing, and, and, and… TeleAlarm wishes you and your loved ones a happy and reflective time for this special…

Follow us on LinkedIn

Follow TeleAlarm on LinkedIn, the largest social media platform for business, and never miss an update! On this channel we regularly inform you about offers, new products, trade fairs and other industry news. In addition, we would like to offer you another opportunity to get in direct contact with us quickly and easily. Follow us…

VDGN-Musterhaus TeleAlarm

TeleAlarm products tested in Berlin show house

In June 2018, the VDGN’s Property and Care Advisory Centre show house was officially opened Berlin-Biesdorf. The show house provides insight on how living independently in a familiar environment is possible despite physical disabilities and care requirements. Visitors can view the technology that makes all this possible on site, have it demonstrated to them and…

TeleAlarm hands over donation to NABU – LV Sachsen

TeleAlarm Europe GmbH has handed over a donation of 500 euros to Naturschutzbund Deutschland (NABU) – Landesverband Sachsen e.V. (Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union of Germany). The amount was collected during a competition set up by TeleAlarm at the Altenpflege fair in Hanover. TeleAlarm committed itself to a donation 0.50 euros per participant. Dr. Arnd…

N46 room transmitter – Product information

N46 room transmitter (also including two relays) From August 2018 the room transmitter N46 (F.01U.140.037) and the room transmitter N46 with two relays (F.01U.140.038) will be delivered with a new connection socket for the pear push cable. This means that the old connection sockets are only compatible with the previously delivered pear push cables (F.01U.140.030/F.01U.140.031).…