The Vibby Oak fall detector is an aesthetic device that provides both a push button for raising a manual alert to the Carephone or NurseCall system, and can also raise an automatic alert in the event of a heavy fall.*
Upon detection of a fall, the Vibby Oak undertakes an analysis for 20 seconds and then begins to vibrate and flash (also for 20 seconds). During this time the call can be cancelled by either standing in an upright position, or by placing the hand over the face of the fall detector, covering it for 2 seconds. When the vibration stops, the hand can be removed and the alert is cancelled. This ensures the avoidance of false alerts. The device has an IP67 protection class rating, meaning that it is waterproof.
The Vibby Oak’s internal battery can be replaced by the service provider.

Fall Detector Vibby OAK Features

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